Postlicensing Education Waiver Request

An image of the North Carolin Real Estate Seal.

  1. Review Commission rule 58A .1905 before completing and submitting this form.
  2. Please allow 10 business days after submission of this form for processing.
  3. Inquiries may be directed to the Commission's Education and Examination Officer at 919.875.3700 or

Personal Information

Contact Information

Request Details
What is the basis of your request?*


List each course and provide a description of the course subject matter.*
You may attach a file at the end of this form if you have additional courses to add. Courses must have been completed within 2 years prior to request for waiver.

Course 1

Attach a copy of the transcript or course completion certificate (showing date completed and hours).*
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Course 2

Attach a copy of the transcript or course completion certificate (showing date completed and hours). *
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Course 3

Attach a copy of the transcript or course completion certificate (showing date completed and hours).*
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Course 4

Attach a copy of the transcript or course completion certificate (showing date completed and hours).*
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Course 5

Attach a copy of the transcript or course completion certificate (showing date completed and hours).*
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs


Most requests are initially not acceptable due to insufficient details about qualifying experience.


Provide a detailed explanation of such experience. You may attach a file at the end of this form if you have additional experience to add.
Company #1

Dates of employment

Attach an official certification of license history from each state in which you are currently licensed reflecting active status within the last 3 years. The certification must have been issued within 6 months of application.*
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Company #2
Dates of employment

Attach an official certification of license history from each state in which you are currently licensed reflecting active status within the last 3 years. The certification must have been issued within 6 months of application.*
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Provide a detailed explanation of such experience for the 2 years immediately prior to this applicaton, as follows. You may attach a file at the end of this form if you have additional experience to add.
Firm/Practice #1
Dates of employment
Firm/Practice #2
Dates of employment

Additional Documentation

Attach additional documentation as required.
*Accepted File Types: .tiff .tif .jpeg .jpg .txt .pdf .docx .doc .png
*Max file upload size 10MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 10MBs

Signature and Certification

I hereby certify that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

(Type your name)

Date Signed


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